Nikotínové vrecká Bagz

BAGZ nicotine pouches can be used anywhere, regardless of location and circumstances. They allow you to quickly and discreetly satisfy your nicotine need. The packaging has been designed so that you don't have to worry about where to throw the used bag. There is a container for used nicotine pouches under the lid in the upper part of the pack.

Nikotínové vrecká Bagz logo

Nikotínové vrecká Bagz

BAGZ nicotine pouches can be used anywhere, regardless of location and circumstances. They allow you to quickly and discreetly satisfy your nicotine need. The packaging has been designed so that you don't have to worry about where to throw the used bag. There is a container for used nicotine pouches under the lid in the upper part of the pack.

Nikotínové vrecká Bagz logo

Nikotínové vrecká BAGZ si môžete vziať kdekoľvek a kedykoľvek budete chcieť. S nimi môžete rýchlo a diskrétne uspokojiť svoju potrebu nikotínu. Stačí umiestniť vrecko BAGZ pod veko a nechať ho tam až 30 minút. Starostlivo zostavené chuťové zmesi, vyvážené sily a dlhá doba uvoľnenia arómy - to sú najdôležitejšie výhody nikotínových vrecúšok BAGZ.

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