ZoneX Nicotine Pouches

ZoneX nikotiinikotid on valged, eriti pehmed ja loodud säilitama maitset ja kuju pikema aja jooksul. Kangused on vahemikus 7 mg/g kuni 16 mg/g, et saada meeliülendav nikotiinikogemus, mida täiendavad intensiivsed maitsed.

ZoneX Nicotine Pouches logo

ZoneX Nicotine Pouches

ZoneX nikotiinikotid on valged, eriti pehmed ja loodud säilitama maitset ja kuju pikema aja jooksul. Kangused on vahemikus 7 mg/g kuni 16 mg/g, et saada meeliülendav nikotiinikogemus, mida täiendavad intensiivsed maitsed.

ZoneX Nicotine Pouches logo

ZONE X is a brand-new addition to the All White segment and is characterized by its well-designed portion pouches. These pouches are white, soft, generously filled with flavor, and designed to maintain their taste and shape for an extended period. ZONE X is available in several different flavors and offers varying nicotine strengths, ranging from a moderate 8 mg of nicotine per gram to extra strong options with 16 mg of nicotine per gram. The creators behind ZONE X are the well-known manufacturer Skruf Snus, who also produce products like Skruf Superwhite.

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