GRANT Nikotinposer
GRANT is a brand with strong nicotine pouches and several different flavors to try. It contains a high amount of nicotine, you can choose between strengths between 18mg to 50mg per gram. So this is not a brand for the moderate user but if you are an experienced user and want stronger nicotine pouches this could be your brand.
GRANT Nikotinposer
GRANT is a brand with strong nicotine pouches and several different flavors to try. It contains a high amount of nicotine, you can choose between strengths between 18mg to 50mg per gram. So this is not a brand for the moderate user but if you are an experienced user and want stronger nicotine pouches this could be your brand.
Se revolutionen inden for nikotin nydelse. GRANT vid en revitaliserende eksplosion af smag og nikotin på en ren, mindre iøjnefaldende, røgfri måde. Posen er udstyret med plantefiberfyld for at forhindre, at tænderne pletter og minimerer dryp. Det minimale dryp sikrer en forlænget frigivelse af både nikotin og smag til deres maksimale potentiale.